Saturday, September 16, 2006

Smoking should stop.

When you smoke it causes many deseases that make you sick or that can make you die. These are just some awful deseases that can harm your health. 1.Lung cancer, 95% of people dies if you catch this cancer.2. Mouth cancer, gives you a chance to loose your tounge, can not eat or chew so you drink squashed food that goes into a tube and that is all the food you get. 3.Throat cancer, does the same harm as lung cancer. Also after one smoke you get a thing called nicotine that makes you want more cigarets even if you do not like it. Nicotine also squeezes all the oxygon in your lungs. So that is why smoking should stop.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Why shooting animals should stop.

Bang dead, you hear a animal being shot by a hunter. Some animals become endangered or even extinct. Animals like a baboon become pets wich aren't there normel habitat. here are my reasons why hunting animals should stop. Firstly animals get sepertated from there mother and father so then they have to live on there own to survive, animals will eat other baby animals and they will die but if they have there parents they will protect them. Secondly if you hunters catch them they will not like there habitats and might even go mad and kill themselves. Finally there kind will not be alive for the future to see these magnifecent animals. So you hunters out there and you want to kill an animal think again so animals do not go and be extinct and no Shooting
